Are you prepared for new HON requirements?

Fenceline monitoring requirements (FLM) for HON sources are expected as part of the proposed rule package the U.S. EPA Administrator will sign later this month. More facilities will soon find, as petroleum refineries and chemical plants with recent consent decrees have, that identifying unknown or underestimated emission sources causing elevated concentrations can be very difficult.
TRICORD’s Geospatial Measurement of Air Pollution (GMAP) unit is a powerful tool for identifying sources of elevated fenceline concentrations for benzene and several other compounds. The GMAP unit records concentration and meteorological data while the vehicle is moving along plant roads or public streets, and while the unit is stationary to help triangulate the emission source. Potential contributing sources can be quickly isolated through the GMAP unit’s ability to instantaneously produce real-time graphical output indicating concentration and wind direction based on the recorded one (1) second interval readings.
In addition to helping identify sources contributing to elevated fenceline concentrations, TRICORD’s GMAP unit can also assist facilities by establishing a plant’s baseline concentration profile, both around process areas and outside the plant’s fenceline, for comparison to future data. TRICORD’s GMAP unit provides an apples-to-apples comparison to similar units currently operated by the U.S.EPA, the City of Houston and other air regulatory authorities.
Click to learn more about TRICORD’s GMAP unit or contact your TRICORD CRM to discuss possible FLM implications to your facility.