Air Dispersion Modeling

Air dispersion modeling is often a critical part to obtaining an air permit for new projects planned at industrial facilities.  With the U.S.EPA’s recent establishment of short-term National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for NO2, SO2 and PM2.5, modeling for compliance demonstrations has grown to be even more challenging and complex.  TRICORD has a dedicated group of individuals, including a degreed meteorologist, who work predominately on air dispersion modeling in support of permitting projects.  In addition, many of our technical and regulatory specialists who help manage our client’s NSR permitting projects have a broad understanding of air dispersion modeling principles that helps augment communications on all modeling projects between our modelers and our client’s project team.

Our modelers have a diverse set of project experience and often work closely with state meteorologists while also staying attune to the latest updates to EPA’s 40 CFR Part 51, Appendix W – “Guideline on Air Quality Models.”  This experience and provision helps our modeling team provide strategic modeling solutions when needed on projects.

We most often conduct screening models such as SCREEN3 or AERSCREEN and refined air dispersion modeling using AERMOD in support of NSR permits for demonstrations of compliance with NAAQS or for a health impacts review for toxic air pollutants.  The following is a list of all modeling services TRICORD provides:

  • State NAAQS Compliance Demonstrations for NSR Permits
  • Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permits – SIL, Full Impacts and Incremental Analysis
  • ERC Analysis for NNSR Permits
  • Health Impacts Analysis for Toxic Air Pollutants
  • Accidental Release Analyses, including those for Risk Management Plans required for 40 CFR Part 68
  • Emission Event/Incident Investigations
  • Expert Witness Testimony

TRICORD also works with strategic affiliates on an as needed basis to supplement our modeling team; particularly for special need projects such as modeling accidental releases of hazardous chemicals, fires and explosions using the CHARM or ALOHA software.  Our team can also assist with the modeling of dense gases using the SLAB model.

Check out our Services page for a more comprehensive list of service offerings or email one of our modeling experts below.

Modeling Service Leaders

Joe Ibanez

Air Quality / National / Oil & Gas, Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals, Chemicals, and Terminals

Anthony Anders

Air Permitting and Compliance, Air Dispersion Modeling

Erica Bayeh

Air Permitting and Compliance, Air Dispersion Modeling

Call 1-888-900-0746 or email with questions and let us help you get started today.