Air Quality Compliance

Air quality has been regulated since the 1950s. It’s now grown into one of the most complex and critical aspects of protecting the environment.  To avoid liabilities such as regulatory enforcement, fines, and reputational damage, it is important for regulated entities to understand these regulations and to proactively implement procedures and guidelines to help ensure their continual compliance. Partnering with the right environmental consulting company can help you achieve these goals.

Our experienced team includes engineers and scientists that specialize in state, federal, and local area air quality regulations.  Many of our technical and regulatory specialists are also considered nationally recognized experts and deal with the following air quality programs and regulations:

  • Major and Minor New Source Review (NSR) and Title V Permitting: We specialize in permitting large capital expenditure projects for industrial clients, including assistance with Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analyses and the negotiation and implementation of new permit conditions. Our team also offers support with Title V permits, including developing new permits, permit revisions and permit renewals and preparing Title V semiannual deviation reports and annual compliance certifications.
  • Air Dispersion Modeling: We conduct SCREEN and/or refined air dispersion modeling using AERMOD (or similar models) in support of NSR permits for demonstrations of compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) or a health impacts review for toxic air pollutants, incident investigations, and expert witness testimony.
  • New Source Performance Standards (NSPS): Our team can provide detailed applicability assessments and help design and implement compliance plans/systems to ensure compliance with existing and new NSPS affecting your facility.  We also provide training on new and existing regulations.
  • National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Standards: Similar to NSPS, we offer support with determining applicability and implementing systems, procedures and checklists that help our clients ensure compliance with monitoring, testing, and recordkeeping requirements associated with their applicable NESHAP and MACT standards. We also provide training on new and existing regulations.
  • Emissions Reporting: Our technical and regulatory specialists are well versed on preparing emission calculations for many industrial emissions source types (e.g., furnaces, heaters and boilers, flares, cooling towers, wastewater emission sources, equipment leak fugitive emission sources, process vents, storage tanks, turbines, engines, aggregate material handling, maintenance, startup, and shutdown (MSS) activities, painting and sand blasting, etc.) in accordance with the U.S.EPA’s AP-42: Compilation of Air Emissions Factors and state guidance documents. We also help our clients with upset emission reporting and the preparation and submittal of state emission inventories/statements, Tier II reports, Toxic Release Inventories (TRI), Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reports, and other Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) reporting.
  • Consent Decrees and Other Enforcement Negotiations: We assist clients in direct negotiations with state agencies and the U.S.EPA related to air quality matters, including but not limited to permitting, emission events/incidents, and other enforcement issues related to Benzene Waste Operations NESHAPs (BWON), Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR), fenceline monitoring and flare programs that have or may result in consent decrees or agreed orders.
  • Emission Reduction Credits: Whether you need emission reduction credits to offset emissions increases from permitting a new project or need assistance brokering the sale of a surplus of emission reductions, TRICORD can help.
  • Environmental Management Systems: Our team has in-depth experience with designing and implementing multi-faceted environmental management systems, including emission estimation/tracking tools, and regulatory tasking. These systems are often customized to meet our client’s needs; however, we also offer support with the procurement and implementation of “off the shelf” environmental software systems.

From time to time, our clients also require onsite assistance to help manage some of their air quality compliance programs.  Our regulatory and technical staff are conveniently located near many of our clients and have the necessary expertise, judgment, and initiative to help our clients maintain effective air quality compliance programs.

The TRICORD team provides a unique and valuable perspective in that many of our staff have worked directly for the industries in which we serve, including but not limited to as environmental directors, environmental managers, or as process engineers at numerous plants.  Some staff have also worked for the regulatory agencies.  These differing perspectives and direct experience provide a holistic view on many projects, especially towards project communications and agency negotiations.

Check out our Services page for a more comprehensive list of service offerings or email one of our Air experts below.

Air Service Leaders

Joe Ibanez
Air Quality / National / Oil & Gas, Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals, Chemicals, and Terminals
Gary Daves
BWON, Fenceline Monitoring, Air Permitting & Compliance
Shane Dillard
Air Quality / Texas and Oklahoma / Oil & Gas, Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals, Chemicals, Terminals and Manufacturing
Laura Blohm
Air Quality / Texas / Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals

Call 1-888-900-0746 or email with questions and let us help you get started today.