Risk Management Program (RMP)
The goal of the Risk Management Program (RMP) regulations are to prevent accidental releases of substances that can cause serious harm to the public and the environment from short-term exposures and to mitigate the severity of releases that do occur. Under Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) Part 68, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S.EPA) promulgated Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions specifying the types of actions to be taken by facilities to prevent accidental releases of such hazardous chemicals into the atmosphere and reduce their potential impact on the public and the environment.
RMP requirements apply to an owner or operator of a stationary source (facility) that operates one or more “covered processes”, i.e., processes which contain greater than the defined threshold quantity of at least one regulated substance. Facilities that operate one or more covered processes must develop and implement a risk management program that is specifically tailored to the hazards present within each covered process and the potential severity of the offsite environmental and public health impacts of a release, should one occur. Facilities which are subject to RMP must include the following elements in the risk management program:
- Conduct a Hazard Assessment;
- Compile a Five-year Accident History;
- Develop a Release Prevention Program;
- Develop an Emergency Response Program; and
- Submit Risk Management Information (RMPlan) to the EPA.
RMP and OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) are closely linked with one another, and share many of the program elements listed above. While PSM is intended to protect the health and safety of the employees and contractors working within the facility, RMP is intended to protect the health and safety of the public who live and work outside of the facility property boundaries, and the environment at large.
Because RMP and PSM deal with the very real dangers of an accidental chemical release, these are some of the most important compliance programs managed by our clients. It is critical that your RMP program, including your RMPlan, is kept up-to-date and accurate as changes occur in your process, personnel, facility, or the community that surrounds it. Moreover, recent changes in the RMP regulation will introduce several new requirements over the coming few years, including community outreach, third-party program auditing, and Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Partnering with TRICORD will help ensure that your RMP program is prepared to meet these challenges safely and in alignment with your company’s goals.
RMP Services
The following list provides a few examples of the types of RMP-related service offerings that TRICORD is proud to offer its clients:
- RMP Applicability Analysis, including Threshold Quantity (TQ) Calculation Development and Offsite Consequence Analysis (OCA)
- RMPlan Update and Submittal Assistance
- Capital Project RMP Impact Evaluations
- RMP Program Supporting Documentation
- Agency Program Audit Preparation and Support
- Title V Reasonable Inquiry Auditing Services
Check out our Services page for a more comprehensive list of service offerings or email one of our RMP experts below.
RMP Service Leaders
Call 1-888-900-0746 or email info@tricordconsulting.com with questions and let us help you get started today.