Air Quality Permitting
At TRICORD, we understand the importance of obtaining timely authorization for your capital expenditure projects. Time often equates to money and/or lost opportunity! As such, the ultimate goal of each of our air quality permitting projects is to obtain authorization to construct and operate as quickly as possible and with the least amount of burden relative to costly emission controls and future compliance demonstrations. With each permitting project, we strive to obtain a permit that accurately reflects the planned configuration and future operating conditions of the facility, while also ensuring the maximum possible degree of operational flexibility. We will negotiate for permit conditions that provide a reasonable basis for the facility to demonstrate and maintain continual compliance into the future.
Strong communication between key stakeholders (e.g., Engineering, Operations, Environmental, Corporate Management, Legal, 3rd party vendors, etc.) and preparation of accurate and comprehensive documentation is essential in securing a successful air quality permit. TRICORD has developed systematic processes for strategically assessing project emission increases and potential air quality impacts from proposed projects. This process not only allows for the development of an appropriate air permit application, but through permit facilitation and post-permit implementation, TRICORD provides clients a continuous support group before, during and after the issuance of your permit.
TRICORD is your personal air quality permitting specialists and our experts stand ready to assess your needs, including but not limited to:
- Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Permits
- Major and Minor New Source Review (NSR) Permits
- Title V Federal Operating Permits (FOP)
- Pre-Permit Strategy Development with Key Stakeholders
- Detailed Emissions Calculations
- SCREEN and Refined Air Dispersion Modeling Analysis for NAAQS and Toxics Demonstrations
- Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Analysis and Lowest Achievable Emissions Rate (LAER) Determinations
- Detailed Regulatory Applicability Analysis
- Permit Negotiations with State and Federal Agencies
- Post-Permit Program Planning and Implementation
Through our past experience, we’ve forged strong relationships with regulatory agencies and key technical staff in numerous states (TCEQ, LDEQ, ODEQ) and at the U.S.EPA. This mutual respect between the regulatory agencies and TRICORD’s team has facilitated successful outcomes for our clients. Other key areas of experience include; conducting regulatory negotiations, and facilitating public meetings and permit hearings.
To create a team that best fits your specific needs, we may draw from our strategic partnerships that supplement our core resources with specialty services. Special permitting requirements sometimes requires expanding our team with asset-specific industry experts, emissions source experts, engineering design experts for emissions controls.
TRICORD offers a network of highly qualified individuals under one umbrella ready to meet your technical and geographical permitting needs anywhere in the U.S.
Check out our Services page for a more comprehensive list of service offerings or email one of our Air experts below.
Air Service Leaders
Call 1-888-900-0746 or email with questions and let us help you get started today.